Pansexual Pride

by Angela Lindeman

One day, a long, long time ago, I heard a word that was completely foreign to me. Pansexual? What on Earth does that mean? I would come to find out that it answered several questions that I had had about myself forever.  Pansexual means: not limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex, gender, or gender identity. When I googled it (as we all do with new words), I was astounded to find a word that described how I felt about sexual relationships with people.  I had never viewed these relationships in such a binary fashion as preferring males or females.  I prefer people that I vibe with.  I am drawn to people who value me, and that I have things in common with.  Those factors, very often, have little to do with what is hidden under someone’s clothing and more to do with personality and character.  It made me feel great to finally have a word to describe who I am and how I feel.  Up until that point, I had always thought that I was a freak or broken.  Now, I know that there are many people out there like myself. I now feel a bit less lonely out here in my pansexual existence.