
Kindness car message

By: Angela Lindeman

Doing kind things for a family member, neighbor or friend is definitely nice and recommended any time one is able to do so.  What happens when that kind of effort is extended to people that you don’t know? 

I think the #Rainbowactsofkindness endeavor answers this question.  This project makes it pretty easy to touch the lives of people around you whether they are aware of it or not.  It can take very minimal effort to improve the day of another.

My own, personal, involvement has been behind the scenes a great deal of the time.  So far, I have left kind, uplifting post-it notes in public bathrooms where, hopefully, someone who needs it will see it.  I have begun making notes for people to find on their cars that are similar to the post-it notes.  At the SWRA Pride Picnic in the Park, we had a table set up to paint stones with art and kind messages to share or hide for others to find.  It was a big hit, so my daughter and I went to the river to collect more stones to paint for future events like this.  From a personal perspective, I am passionate about this project because I KNOW what it feels like to feel alone….to feel unheard. 

Being part of the LGBTQIA+ community as well as struggling with mental illness make actions like these so critical.  Positive, loving and kind energy radiates out in waves and ripples when we share it.  Each one of us can make a HUGE impact on the lives and community around us but…..TOGETHER WE CAN MOVE MOUNTAINS!