
By Shayna Croft

Here are some things that grind my heart about being LGBTQ. People say that we are not special. The fact is no one said we were, we had to fight hard to be married to who we love because not every state would allow it. Any straight couple could marry and not worry about discrimination. More and more you see people in the LGBTQ community are murdered, shunned, or bullied because of who they are.
A lot of people say we are over dramatic about our life style during pride month because we made it far in life and beat a lot of battles. A lot of people, by just looking at us, can’t tell that we are LGBTQ and are fine with it until we tell them, then it’s a whole different ball game.
People say transgender people are confused. But they are on a very amazing journey that was chosen for them. People couldn’t pick us out in a crowed full of other people but yet they wanna bully and discriminate us for being who we were born to be.
It is a sad cruel world. But out off all this I have learned that no matter who you are, you are amazing.

You are human.

You are part of God’s plan and he made no mistakes.

So just remember, always be you.

Keep smiling.

And don’t loose yourself.

You are worth all of this beautiful plan.

Thank you.