Driftless Market Reflects on Importance of LGBTQ+ Visibility

Edited by Jason Roth

Driftless Market is the tri-state area’s choice for fair trade, organic, and locally grown food.  The Market offers a wide variety of healthy, sustainable, and better-tasting foods all year round.  Most of all, however, Driftless Market is about the community, with an emphasis on customers and producers also being neighbors and friends.  In honor of pride month, the owners of Driftless Market were asked a few questions about how they support the LGBTQ+ community.

First, can you explain who you all are?

Robin: “Hi there!  I am first and foremost a mother to four beautiful souls and wife to a fabulous man, Chad.  I married Chad because I feel most like me in his presence because his support is unwavering.  While working at the renowned Harbor View Cafe in Pepin, WI, I fell in love with the kitchen life and the world of restaurateuring as well as the sense of community that openly supported diversity and inclusion.  I always wondered how I would fit in another dream of owning a place where people could feed their mind, body and soul into my family rearing and social justice efforts. I hadn’t expected it until closer to retirement age, but after learning Driftless Market was for sale, I knew that dream would come sooner rather than later.  Chad and I asked my baby brother, Royal, and his husband, Tony, to join us in this adventure.  Royal had spent 13 years working in Corporate America, and he was SO over the cubicle lifestyle.  We all love getting to work with each other everyday, and I am so grateful for this opportunity of owning Driftless in Platteville, WI.”

What does Pride month mean to you?

Royal: “LGBTQ+ Pride month is very personal to me. Growing up gay in rural Wisconsin is NOT easy. After coming out in January of 2006, I attended my first Gay Pride Parade the same summer in Minneapolis. I bawled my eyes out, I was so moved. 19-year old me had no idea just how many people supported me, without even knowing me. Suddenly, there was an entire community I could look at as friends, family & find commonality.  I remember seeing the “Dykes on Bikes” in the parade and thinking “look at the way they own themselves. No shame. No filter. No problem.” Then, PFLAG walked by in the parade and the words of acceptance and acknowledgment from the parents of gay children and I was flooded with emotion, hope and determination to love myself for once. Overall, PRIDE month means dignity in being authentically YOU and the fight it took and continues to take to achieve that dignity.”

Driftless Market has a focus on supporting the greater Platteville community.  What does that mean for the business in relation to the LGBTQ+ community?

Tony: “Growing up in a small town, I never really felt like I had a place there, not so much to say I didn’t belong, but I felt as though I couldn’t be my authentic self. I know now that this was fear. Fear kept me from being who I am. I hope that Driftless Market can be the space for anyone and everyone. Come on in, be yourself, we are here for you.”

In addition, the owners all agreed that Driftless Market has zero-tolerance for anti-LGBTQ+ behavior, speech, and legislation.  Driftless Market is so much more than just a grocery store.  It is a place to receive support in a world that can be cruel to LGBTQ+ people.

Many of our current and former employees often talk about Driftless Market being a safe space for them to be authentically themselves.  Why do you think that is?

Chad: “As in any business, leadership and ideals trickle down from the top. I truly feel as though the former owners established an openness and supportive community via their own beliefs.  Our group sought out ownership of Driftless because of the community they have created. We feel as though, based on our passions and love of community, that we can continue to provide a safe space for our staff and all of those who walk through our door each day.”

Why is it important for you to support the LGBTQ+ community as a small business in Platteville, WI?

Robin: “I feel that all humans are beautiful and deserve to shine in their glory. Individuals who feel a need to hide that light for shame, need to know that there are people in their community ready to help them be their truest self. I’ve known authentic sacrificial love and I want others to feel worthy of that and to know there is hope. Self loathing, addiction, suicide ideation and abusive relationships tend to run in higher percentages within the LBGTQ+ population, I feel this could be greatly reduced through efforts to validate and embrace the individuals who have faced struggles as a result of identifying.”

In addition, both Tony and Roy agree that they needed a place like Driftless Market growing up, and all four owners are excited to showcase their support for the LGBTQ+ community in Southwest Wisconsin so that all LGBTQ+ people feel a sense of belonging.

What new initiatives and/or programs are you working on in relation to the LGBTQ+ community?

Royal: “Tony and I joined the SWRA within weeks of moving to Platteville, in an effort to educate ourselves and get involved with the local community. Through the partnership with SWRA, we will be hosting alliance trainings, gay pride signage and initiatives, as well as an increased focus on LGBTQ+ outreach.”

Robin: “I would like to work toward additional coordination of individuals and groups that will further increase events, education and an overall sense of authenticity and belonging. I would like to see Driftless Market help to host conversations to improve dynamics for LGBTQ+ youth in our schools and the community as a whole. I would love to see more young adults in the LGBTQ+ community see Platteville as a viable place to raise a family.”

It is because of the owners’ efforts that they promoted Jason Roth to a role that will allow him to coordinate diversity and inclusion work for Driftless Market.  Even through a pandemic, the owners have shown a clear vision for what Driftless will become in order to better support the LGBTQ+ community.

Is there anything else on your mind that you would like to share?

Royal: “The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return. – Moulin Rouge (originally Eden Ahbez)”

Tony: “Being fairly new to Platteville, I just want to say Thank You. Platteville has been warm and welcoming and after 6 months, it really feels like home.”

 Robin: “No one owes us anything, we deserve nothing material, but we all need one another to survive. Kindness, patience and love bring hope, creativity and solutions – together we can do it. Through giving we receive and the circle continues.”

Chad: “Be proud. If you haven’t found the love and support for being who you are, don’t give up. New opportunities for connection and friendship may just be around the corner.”

From all of us at Driftless Market, happy Pride month!!